

Student Activities

PMTNM has a long tradition of offering students a wider musical experience than is ordinarily afforded in private music study. From recitals and festivals to masterclasses and competitive events, PMTNM, and its local affiliates, provide students with numerous outlets to share their music and for assessments to help them grow as young musicians.

Students wishing to participate in PMTNM student activities may be of elementary, middle school, or high school age. Some categories are open to college students as well. The student’s teacher must be a current PMTNM member in good standing. Non-members may enter students in the Honors Auditions with the payment of additional fees.

Honors Auditions

The Honors Auditions are competitive auditions open to piano, instrumental, and voice students at the district and state levels. The program was designed to encourage students to study, prepare, and present recital caliber repertoire in a polished performance. Participants have the opportunity to perform before qualified judges who provide careful and constructive criticism. The state winners perform on a Student Winners’ Recital during the PMTNM Conference.

Students enter in one of five levels based on their age. There is also a collegiate level. Entrants must be studying with a teacher who is a member in good standing of PMTNM. Non-PMTNM members may enter students with the payment of a $25 surcharge fee added to both the District and State Honors Audition fees. Repertoire and general rules are shown in the Student Activities section of the Handbook.

District auditions are typically held in mid-October with the date and location set by the District Vice-Presidents (shown on the About Us page). 1st-Place winners advance to the state Honors Auditions which will be held at the state conference in Albuquerque on Saturday, November 11, 2023.

The postmark deadline for submission of applications to the District VPs is September 20, 2023. Applications may be found on the Forms page.

The state Honors Auditions chair is Marcus York, marcusaz2@yahoo.com

MTNA Competitions

The MTNA National Competitions are the most successful and prestigious student competitions in the country. Each year, thousands of students compete for top prizes and national recognition. The purpose of the Music Teachers National Association Performance competitions is to provide educational experiences for students and teachers and to recognize exceptionally talented young artists and their teachers in their pursuit of musical excellence.

New Mexico’s MTNA performance competitions are held in person at the state conference in November of each year. Awards are generously supported by the Joyce Walker Foundation.

Registration for all competitions except chamber music will open in August, 2023. The registration deadline for all levels of Performance and Composition Competitions is Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

The New Mexico performance competitions will take place on Friday, November 10, 2023 in Albuquerque.

Please visit www.mtna.org to view the complete rules and to apply for MTNA competitions.

The current NM state chairs for MTNA competitions are: Tatyana Bayliyeva, abqinstituteofmusic@gmail.com; and Lawrence Blind, lblind@nmschoolofmusic.com

Junior, Senior, and Young Artist Competitions

The three-tiered MTNA Junior, Senior and Young Artist Performance Competitions begin with state competitions. The winners/representatives of each state’s competitions advance to a video-only division competition. Division winners compete in the national finals at the annual MTNA National Conference. The state competitions are considered the primary educational level with the division and national levels showcasing outstanding performance and honoring significant pedagogical achievement. Competitions include Brass (Senior and Young Artist only), Piano, Piano Duet (Senior only) String, Voice (Senior and Young Artist only) and Woodwind.

Composition Competitions

MTNA Composition Competitions are for Elementary, Junior, Senior and Young Artist levels, and are also a three-tiered event. The winners/representatives of each state’s competition advance to the division competition. Division winners compete in person in the national finals. The national winners have their compositions performed at the annual MTNA National Conference.

Chamber Music Competitions

The MTNA Chamber Music Competitions are a two-tiered event: the preliminary round, by video submission only; and the final round, live at the MTNA National Conference. Ensembles compete without regard to the state or division in which they live or take lessons, and seven ensembles will be selected in both the String and Wind categories from a nationwide pool of applicants to compete in the final round.

Performance Evaluation Program

The Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) is a PMTNM-sponsored non-competitive general assessment. The repertoire, dates, and general rules are determined by the PEP Chair. PEP auditions are held at various locations around the state and can be held at any time during the year.

Entrants must be studying with a teacher who is a member in good standing of PMTNM, and may be of elementary, junior high, or senior high age. There is an adult category for students over the age of 18.

Application forms must be submitted to the Local PEP Chair no later than four weeks prior to the audition date. Applications may be found on the Forms page.

The current chair of the PEP program is Janna Warren, jannadiv@yandex.ru

Student Performances at the PMTNM Conference

There are several opportunities for students to perform at the PMTNM state conference. These may include ensemble recitals, masterclasses with distinguished guest artists, and benefit concerts. The conference is held the second weekend in November in various locations. Speak with your teacher to find out how you might join this annual celebration of music!