

Clicking on the applications will open them in a new window where you can save and print them.

Honors Auditions

The postmark deadline for submitting applications for the 2024 Honors Auditions is September 20, 2024. Please contact District Vice- Presidents for the dates and locations of the auditions in local areas. Please consult the PMTNM Handbook, Section IX: Student Activities, for a complete description of the rules.

Performance Evaluation Program (PEP)

Applications must be submitted to the Local PEP Chair no later than four weeks prior to the audition date. Please consult the PMTNM Handbook, Section IX: Student Activities, for a complete description of the rules.

Byrdis W. Danfelser Piano Scholarship

This fund was established in memory of Mrs. Danfelser, who founded PMTNM in 1950. She was the first president and a Life Member, and did much to promote music teaching as a profession in New Mexico. Contributions to the fund are tax deductible and should be sent to
the PMTNM Executive Secretary-Treasurer.

The scholarship is available for piano students, grade school through high school, whose primary piano teacher is a member of PMTNM, Inc. at the time of the application. The scholarship will be presented at the annual state conference in November. The
scholarship check is sent to the recipient’s teacher in January.

The deadline for submission of all application materials for the Danfelser Piano Scholarship is October 12, 2024.

Janet Spangenberg Weed Memorial Scholarship

Janet Spangenberg Weed was a long-time member. Her children established this scholarship in her memory. The fund is supported by annual contributions, primarily from the Weed children.  Contributions to the fund are tax deductible and should be sent to the PMTNM
Executive Secretary-Treasurer.

The scholarship is available for music students (piano, voice, and other instruments), in grade school through high school, whose primary music teacher in the field for which the application is presented is a member of PMTNM at the time of application. The
scholarship(s) will be presented at the annual state conference in November. The scholarship check is sent to the recipient’s teacher in January.

The deadline for submission of all application materials for the Weed Memorial Scholarship is October 12, 2024.

Teacher of the Year

PMTNM believes it is important to recognize and award individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of music teaching in the private and/or public sectors of New Mexico. The nomination consists of a resume of the individual’s achievements and status as a musician and music teacher in New Mexico.

Candidates must:

  1. Be a current member of PMTNM and MTNA and a legal resident of New Mexico.
  2. Be supportive of the philosophy and objectives of PMTNM and MTNA.
  3. Demonstrate outstanding professional relationships with students, fellow music teachers, and public school officials and community leaders who support music and music teaching.
  4. Demonstrate a consistent record of high standards of teaching and promoting music teaching in New Mexico.

For a full description of the criteria/guidelines for nominating and electing candidates please consult the PMTNM Handbook. Nominations must be submitted to Jeanne Grealish, Executive Treasurer-Secretary no later than October 12, 2024.